The second flight of navel orangeworm is tapering....
Biofix dates (based on trap catches in Modesto area (Ceres, Denair, Hughson):
Oriental Fruit Moth: 1st flight (Feb. 16), 2nd flight (April 28), 3rd flight (June 9)
Degree days (3rd flight) at 7/7: 804
Peach Twig Borer: 1st flight (March 28), 2nd flight (June 2)
Degree days (2nd flight) at 7/7: 829
Codling moth: 1st flight (March 25), 2nd flight (June 4)
Degree days (2DD) at 6/29: 586
Navel orangeworm egg biofix: Spring egg biofix (April 18)
Spring/May spray timing (100DD): April 29
Obliquebanded leafroller: 1st flight (April 12)
Details of weekly monitoring is here. Currently, you can get the trap counts/DD information for codling moth, navel orangeworm, oriental fruit moth, peach twig borer, obliquebanded leafroller. The usefulness of this information can be limited. Out traps are about 4-5 different orchard blocks within 5-7 miles radius from our office (UCCE Stanislaus), and insect activities can vary from orchard to orchard depending on the location, orchard history, situation of the orchard regarding alternate hosts nearby, etc. So, we encourage to use your trap counts/DD as the primary source of information and the information from our trap counts as a reference. CIMIS # 206 (Denair II) is the source of weather data for the degree-days calculation.